The Power of Place: How Our Surroundings Shape Our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions

The Connect Charter School (CNS) is a student-centered school where we prioritize engagement and authenticity in all our programs.  Most importantly we know how to leverage local assets including parks, public spaces, museums, and businesses. Located squarely in the heart of Pueblo, we get out of our building to practice what is called Place-Based Education.  We effectively and powerfully use the CITY AS CAMPUS.  As one business owner stated, CNS students “bring life to the center of Pueblo.”  In return, the school uses its city resources to enrich curriculum, provide unique experiences, and help our students understand “The Power of Place.”  We interact with adults and the adult environment in ways that other schools can only read about.  Our civic and service based projects are essential to the social and emotional growth of our students and staff.

The maps and pictures presented on this page only begin to illustrate our powerful location and our willingness to engage in authentic learning.

city campus
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